Saturday, June 28, 2008

SEMINAR SENI MUZIK KEBANGSAAN 2008 - 15 & 16 Julai 2008

MASA : 9.00 pagi – 5.00 petang

TARIKH : 15 DAN 16 Julai 2008

TEMPAT : Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA)

464 Jalan Tun Ismail

50480 Kuala Lumpur


· Muzik merupakan genre seni bersifat universal yang meredah batasan sempadan geografi, kebudayaan, status, bangsa dan negara dalam suasana harmoni. Atas sifat-sifat tersebut , muzik berpotensi menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Statistik kutipan royalti persembahan awam dan penyiaran berdasarkan laporan Music Authors’ Copyright Protection ( MACP ) yang mewakili pencipta lagu dan penulis lirik menunjukkan peningkatan dari setahun ke setahun.

· Selain itu, muzik bermakna sebagai perlambangan kepada identiti bangsa dan cerminan ketamadunan. Oleh itu perhatian yang serius perlu diberi bagi memastikan identiti bangsa Malaysia terus unggul.

· Bagi memastikan peranan muzik dapat dimainkan sepenuhnya maka wajar diadakan satu Bengkel Muzik Malaysia untuk membincangkan dan meneliti hala tuju pembangunan muzik Malaysia dengan mengambil peranannya secara maksimum.

· Menghimpunkan seniman, pencinta, karyawan dan peminat muzik sempena sambutan Hari Seniman Kebangsaan 2008 melalui Seminar Muzik Kebangsaan. Ini merupakan usaha menghargai seniman muzik dan seni muzik tanah air.




Objektif seminar yang akan diadakan adalah seperti berikut;

· Menjadi pemangkin pembangunan pendidikan muzik di tanah air dan mengiktiraf pendidikan muzik di Malaysia di samping meningkatkan ilmu para pendidik, penggiat dan pengamal muzik tempatan bagi tujuan memantapkan pendidikan seni muzik.

· Membincangkan halatuju dan strategi pembangunan industri muzik dan meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang memainkan peranan penting dalam perkembangan muzik dunia setanding dengan negara-negara maju yang lain.

· Mengangkat muzik tempatan dan memelihara muzik tradisi sebagai warisan budaya yang wajar dikekalkan.

· Menyediakan satu rangkaian kerjasama di kalangan peserta, pembentang dan ahli-ahli muzik tempatan di samping meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang dikenali di dunia dalam bidang kesenian.

· Menyediakan ‘Blue Print’ pembangunan industri muzik.


Maklumat lanjut tentang Seminar Seni Muzik Kebangsaan 2008 boleh diperolehi melalui laman web yang diakses melalui:




Seminar ini akan melibatkan penyertaan peserta yang terdiri dari :

i. Para sarjana

ii. Pendidik

iii. Pengamal muzik

iv. Ahli-ahli muzik dari seluruh tanah air

v. Pelajar muzik IPTA dan IPTS tempatan

vi. Pentadbir dam pembuat polisi muzik

Seminar Seni Muzik Kebangsaan 2008 ini meliputi pembentangan kertas kerja oleh pakar-pakar dalam bidang muzik, persembahan dan pameran industri muzik.



Guitar Speed Trainer Software

Guitar Speed Trainer

The Guitar Speed Trainer is a home study course software designed to help you develop superior speed and technique.The first thing you need is correct information. If you want to make significant progress then you simply must know all the important facts about guitar speed.

That's why the very first thing you will do with the Guitar Speed Trainer will be learning the fundamentals:

  • How speed picking really works.
  • The four picking strategies.
  • The three types of motion.
  • How to measure your speed.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.
  • The "PP" secret for developing jaw-dropping speed.
  • The five worst training mistakes, and how to avoid them.
  • How to do the right exercise at the right time.
  • The "LRB" secret of super-coordination at high speed.Then, effective training

Once you have the knowledge, the Guitar Speed Trainer then helps you translate it into action and get the best possible results in the shortest time.

For example, GST helps you measure your Speed Profile and use that information to fine-tune your exercises.

To get maximum benefit from every single minute of practice, GST uses the Ideal Speed Curve. This is a unique training strategy that ensure you always train "in the zone".

Simple but effective drills focus on different types of Fingering and Phrasing (e.g scales, patterns, chromatic, etc.)

All important Picking Techniques (e.g. single and double, alternate and semi-alternate, etc.) are exercised through short specialized exercises.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Lawatan Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran

Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia II, YB Dato Razali bin Ismail
telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Sekolah Seni Johor Bahru pada hari ini.

Beliau telah diiringi oleh Pengarah Pelajaran Negeri Johor yang baru iaitu Hj. Sufaat bin Tumin bersama-sama dengan pegawai-pegawai dari kementerian, jabatan, dan PPD.

Memandangkan hari ini hari Jumaat, dan kehadiran beliau ke sekolah ini agak lewat iaitu pada pukul 11.30 pagi maka semuanya terpaksa dilakukan dengan pantas,

Tak sempatlah pelajar-pelajar nak mengemukakan soalan atau pandangan yang utama iaitu
Di manakah tapak sekolah ini akan dibina? perkara ini sering diperkatakan oleh guru-guru dan ibu bapa.

Antara tempat yang sempat dilawati adalah Bilik studio Muzik, dan semua studio kesenian.

Friday, June 13, 2008

5 Common Problems with Music Lessons (and how to avoid them!)

Over the past 9 years we have talked with hundreds of students and families about their experiences with music programs and what they felt about these experiences. We found common complaints recurring over and over and have made it our mission to create a school offering whatever has been missing from these programs. This is a list of these common problems and what steps as a school we take to help students and families to avoid them.

Common problem #1:
Students are instructed in a very strict manner with a heavy emphasis on note reading and theory. Students do exercises and theory homework but are not allowed to play songs. Students are only allowed to play a song when everything seems perfect and wait months or years to be allowed to play and enjoy their instrument. These students and parents usually feel defeated and begin to look at music as a chore with little payoff and lacking any real joy.

Solution: At our school we allow students to play their instruments and correct their technique as they go. Using the Suzuki method allows students to memorize songs by ear and focus their attention on proper posture and technique. Students get into the habit of playing correctly and sounding good on their instrument every day while they also get to experience the joy of playing songs. When strong habits of play are formed we then begin to take a look at note reading and theory.

Common problem #2:

Students are allowed to play many songs daily with a focus on fun but without focusing on technique. Although in the beginning students will enjoy this approach it will not take long before students realize that they are not really progressing. In fact many students taught in this way learn bad habits that make it difficult or impossible to play more difficult pieces. When these students come to our program we have to work very hard at correcting these bad habits which may have been going on for years. Unfortunately these parents and students have wasted a lot of time and money which could have been prevented.

Solution: In addition to hiring highly skilled University trained teachers we offer instruction targeted towards building technique every day from the ground up. In lessons students receive practice charts daily that begin with the most basic exercises. As they go through their charts the songs and scales become progressively more challenging in a subtle way. Every level of the practice chart works to support the next level and creates positive momentum over the course of the practice. This system works because when students reach their most challenging piece they can play it comfortably because their technique has been supported throughout the practice.

Common problem #3:
"My child won't practice and we fight over it!" Unfortunately many students do not want to practice and it causes tension between parents and students. Many of these parents know that music education is important but keep wondering, "is it worth all the trouble?"

Solution: As a music program we offer resources to help parents and teachers motivate students to practice. When students enroll we offer a free booklet "9 ways create successful practices at home". Younger students receive stickers every time they complete a part of their practice chart which makes the practices more fun. We also provide two free recitals twice per year to give students a goal to work towards. Finally, teachers discuss strategies in lessons to make students and parents create the habit of practicing at home.

Common problem #4:
Students can play their instrument well, but they cannot read music. This is commonly seen in students who are kept in the Suzuki method for too long. Students who cannot read music will not be able to perform music in groups or an orchestra and will be shut off to a whole world of music. Learning new music beyond the intermediate stages will also be extremely difficult and will take a long time. When music becomes more complicated you simply cannot play it all by ear and you need help from the written page.

Solution: Teach students how to read music at the right time and in the right way. In our program our first goal is to have students in the strong habit of playing correctly and sounding good on their instrument every day. When this is achieved our teachers then gradually begin to teach note reading, music theory and implement some easy sight reading into student's practice charts. As students become confident and skilled in their reading a whole world of music is opened up to them. Not only do these students become excellent sight readers but we allow students to explore new music as part of their practice such as Celtic, Jazz, Fiddle, Ragtime, Movie Soundtracks and more. Now that these students are in the habit of sounding good, they can easily maintain that habit even when they are sight reading.

Common problem #5:
Many students and parents have told us stories about teachers they have had that have turned them off to music. The instruction has been very rigid, strict and negative. These students were pushed to excel at music through fear motivation. Unfortunately many of these students quit, never to return to music, or they continue onward struggling with a loss of self confidence.

Solution: Lessons in our program are focused deeply on sharing a love for music. We believe students achieve their highest potential when they are positively reinforced and we work on building a student's confidence. We realize that some students will seek professional careers in music and others will not. We strive for our students to achieve excellence in their music and we encourage them to enjoy playing for a lifetime!

About the Author

Brian Eliason is a professional violinist and educator with over 28 years experience. He is also the founder of the Eliason School of Music in Portland, Oregon. For more information please contact the school at Piano Lessons in Portland

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Malaysia Petrol Price Increase to RM 2.70 from RM 1.92

petrol-priceIt’s just that the recent news that the petrol price in Malaysia is going to increase to RM2.70 per liter caused panic among my fellow Malaysians who would literally drive a mile to save a penny.

In other words, it’s a massive jam out there, anywhere there’s a petrol station. Thousands of people burning petrol to save petrol. They would probably empty the petrol station by today and save it into containers for later use. I have seen it happen before.

The petrol price in Malaysia is one of the most compelling factors in politics right now, as more and more political leaders promise to bring it down. So far, it seems the only way is up.

If there’s every a time to think about your future income, now is it. Do you think your pay increase this year will cover the inflation cost? Having a “fixed income” has never seem like such a bad idea as it does now.